Creating a Personal Access Token (Classic) on GitHub

Personal Access Tokens (PATs) are used to grant applications, scripts, and command-line tools access to your GitHub resources. Follow the steps below to create a classic Personal Access Token with full permissions:

  1. Access Developer Settings:

    • Go to your GitHub profile.

    • Click on the avatar at the top right of any page.

    • Choose Settings from the dropdown menu.

    • On the settings page, look for the Developer settings section at the bottom of the left sidebar.

  2. Personal Access Tokens:

    • Navigate to Developer settings, and then select Personal access tokens.

    • Choose Personal access tokens (classic).

    • To create a new token, click on the Generate new token button, and then select Generate new token (classic).

  3. Token Configuration:

    • Give your token a descriptive name in the Note field to remember the purpose of the token.

    • Select the expiration date for the token as per your requirement.

    • To grant full access, check all the boxes to enable all permissions for the token.

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  1. Generate and Save the Token:

    • Once you have configured the permissions, click the Generate token button at the bottom of the page.

    • Important: As soon as the token is generated, make sure to copy and securely save it. You won’t be able to see it again! Losing this token requires generating a new one, and you must update all applications that use it.

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  1. Storing the Token Securely:

    • Store the token in a secure location.

    • Consider using a password manager or an encrypted storage solution to keep your token safe.

Remember, the Personal Access Token acts as a substitute for your GitHub password. Treat it as securely as you would your password, and never share it or commit it to your repositories.