General Repository Structure Setup

Installing GitHub on Windows for Git Command

  1. Download Git for Windows:

  2. Install Git:

    • Run the downloaded installer.

    • Follow the setup wizard and adjust settings as needed.

  3. Verify Installation:

    • Open Command Prompt or Git Bash.

    • Run git --version to check the installed version.

  4. Configure Git:

    • Set your username and email:

      git config --global "Your Name"
      git config --global ""
  5. Clone a Repository:

    • Use git clone <URL> to clone a GitHub repository.

  6. Basic Git Commands:

    • Create and push new file:

      start notepad example.txt
      git add example.txt
      git commit -m "First example"
      git push
    • Modify and push file:

      git status
      git add .
      git commit -m "Update"
      git push
  7. Update Local Repository:

    • Fetch updates: git fetch

    • Pull updates: git pull

  8. Resolve Merge Conflicts:

    • Manually fix conflicts in files.

    • Commit the resolved changes.

Setting Up the Repository with Git

The following instructions will guide you through the process of setting up the initial folder structure for your repository based on the previously defined DOCS_MODULE and DOCS_SUBMODULE variables.

# Clone the repository to your local machine
git clone

# Navigate to the repository's directory
cd your-repository

# Create a new directory with the name of your module

# Navigate into the newly created module directory

# Within the module directory, create a subdirectory for the submodule

# Add the new directory structure to your repository
git add .

# Commit the changes with a descriptive message
git commit -m "Set up initial directory structure for DOCS_MODULE and DOCS_SUBMODULE"

# Push the changes to the remote repository
git push origin main

Replace path/to/your/project with the actual path to your project’s root directory. The $DOCS_MODULE and $DOCS_SUBMODULE should be replaced with the actual names you have assigned to your repository variables. This will create a hierarchy of directories reflecting the module and submodule structure of your project.

Ensure that you replace the placeholders with the actual values for DOCS_MODULE and DOCS_SUBMODULE when executing these commands. These placeholders correspond to the names you defined in the Configuring Repository Variables and Secrets on GitHub section.

Writing Your Python Module

Creating a Python module involves writing a Python script with functions, classes, or variables. Here’s a basic guide on how to create a simple Python module.

  1. Create a Python File:

    • Create a new file with a .py extension within your DOCS_MODULE or DOCS_SUBMODULE directory.

    • For example, if creating a module named example, your file would be

  2. Writing Module Content:

    • Open the file in a text editor or an IDE.

    • Start defining your functions, classes, or variables.

  3. Example Python Module:

    • Below is a basic example of a Python module that contains a simple function.


def greet(name):
    This function greets the person whose name is passed as a parameter
    return f"Hello, {name}!"

if __name__ == "__main__":
  1. Using the Module:

    • You can use this module by importing it into other Python scripts.

    • Here is an example of how to import and use the greet function from the module.


from example import greet


This is a basic template for creating a Python module. You can expand it with more complex functionality, classes, and error handling as needed for your project. Remember to follow good coding practices, such as clear commenting and consistent naming conventions, to ensure your code is easily understandable and maintainable.

Module Directory Structure

Below is the structure of the directories and subdirectories for the DOCS_MODULE and DOCS_SUBMODULE. This structure should be reflected in your local repository after executing the Git commands to set up the initial folders:

        └── subfolder/

In this structure: - your-repository is the root of your cloned repository. - DOCS_MODULE is the main module directory. - DOCS_SUBMODULE is a submodule within DOCS_MODULE. -,, and represent Python script files. - subfolder is an additional subdirectory within DOCS_SUBMODULE containing

Replace DOCS_MODULE and DOCS_SUBMODULE with the actual names you have chosen for your module and submodule. This tree structure provides a visual representation of how your files and folders are organized within the repository.