PEP257: Docstring Conventions

PEP 257 is a vital guide for Python developers, focusing on the formatting and usage of docstrings. Adhering to these conventions is crucial for maintaining well-documented, readable, and accessible code. This section outlines key aspects of PEP 257 and provides guidance on writing effective docstrings.

Understanding Docstrings

  • Definition: A docstring is a string literal that occurs as the first statement in a module, function, class, or method definition. It is used to explain and document the object.

  • Purpose: Docstrings provide a convenient way of associating documentation with Python modules, functions, classes, and methods.

Key Conventions from PEP 257

  1. Consistency:

    • Uniformity: Apply a consistent style across all docstrings in your project. This includes the use of triple double quotes ("""Your docstring here."""), even for one-liners.

  2. One-liner Docstrings:

    • Usage: Ideal for simple cases where the documentation can fit into a single line.

    • Format: The closing quotes should be on the same line as the opening quotes.

def simple_function():
    """Perform a simple task."""
  1. Multi-line Docstrings:

  • Structure: Consist of a summary line (like a one-liner), followed by a blank line, then a more elaborate description.

  • Example:

def complex_function(param):
    Perform a complex task.

        param (type): Description of the parameter.

        type: Description of the return value.
  1. Descriptive Docstrings:

    • Content: Describe what the function/class/method does, and not how.

    • Include: Arguments, return values, side effects, exceptions raised, and any restrictions on when the function can be called.

Best Practices for Docstrings

Clear and Concise: - Keep your docstrings clear and concise, providing all necessary information in a straightforward manner.

Update Regularly: - Update docstrings as you update your code. They should always reflect the current functionality.


Following PEP 257 docstring conventions is not just about adhering to standards; it’s about making your code more readable, maintainable, and user-friendly. Good documentation is as important as good code, and docstrings play a pivotal role in achieving this.