Preventing OCD Triggers for Yeison

Maintaining a clean, organized, and consistent codebase is crucial, not just for the sake of good programming practices, but also to ensure that the code is accessible and comfortable for all team members, including those sensitive to disorganization, like Yeison. This section outlines strategies to prevent triggers that might affect individuals with OCD tendencies.

  1. Consistent Naming Conventions:

    • Use Clear and Descriptive Names: Choose variable, function, and class names that clearly describe their purpose.

    • Follow Established Patterns: Adhere to the naming conventions of the programming language (e.g., snake_case for variables in Python).

  2. Structured and Clean Code:

    • Logical Structure: Organize code blocks logically. Group related functionalities together.

    • Avoid Deep Nesting: Limit the levels of nesting in your code as much as possible. This makes the code more readable and less overwhelming.

  3. Regular Refactoring:

    • Continuously Refactor: Regularly revisit and refactor the code to improve its structure, remove redundancies, and enhance readability.

    • Peer Reviews: Conduct code reviews with team members to identify areas for improvement.

  4. Comprehensive Documentation:

    • Comment Effectively: Provide clear comments that explain the ‘why’ behind complex code segments.

    • Maintain Updated Documentation: Keep all documentation, including inline comments and external documents, up to date.

  5. Adherence to Coding Standards:

    • Follow Best Practices: Stick to recognized coding standards like PEP 8 for Python.

    • Use Linters and Formatters: Implement tools that automatically check for and correct stylistic and syntactical inconsistencies.

  6. Effective Error Handling:

    • Predict and Handle Errors: Write code that anticipates potential errors and handles them gracefully.

    • Clear Error Messages: Ensure that error messages are informative and suggest possible solutions.

  7. Version Control Best Practices:

    • Regular Commits: Make small and frequent commits with clear messages that describe the changes.

    • Branch Management: Use a structured approach to branching, merging, and pull requests.

  8. Proper Use of Print Statements and Logging:

    • Using Print Statements for Programming Flow: Reserve print statements for situations where you need to display program flow or output to the end user. Ensure that each print statement provides a clear and concise message.

    • Implementing Logging for Debugging: Use Python’s logging module for debugging purposes. This allows for different levels of logging, making it easier to control what is logged and when. Logging can be configured to output messages to different destinations, which helps in separating debugging information from program output.

    • Benefits of Logging Over Print: Logging is less disruptive, more informative, and has a lesser performance impact compared to print statements. It allows for enabling or disabling certain levels of logging with minimal changes to the codebase.


Creating an environment that is considerate of team members’ sensitivities, such as OCD, is vital. By implementing these practices, we can ensure that our codebase is not only efficient and robust but also comfortable and accessible for all team members, including Yeison.